12 comments on “Embers

  1. brudberg says:

    You always have a unique way of interpret a word. I love it.

  2. dulcinaandgnome says:

    Wow… so powerful and full of passion, terrific!

  3. Loll says:


  4. kz says:

    your haiku is filled with so much passion.. wonderful.

  5. jrbsays says:

    Wow, powerful. Could be so romantic, but then again, it could just as easily be Goebbels Epitaph.
    Words have such power for good and evil.
    Thank you 🙂

  6. Amazing Mark, as Bjorn already said … you have always such a different way to write a haiku on the given prompt and this one is again a beauty … passionate words … waiting to be said to the one you love.

  7. yerpirate says:

    Wow! Real passion there…and yes, a unique style!

  8. A dramatic performance of words spinning dynamic images! Beautiful!

  9. honeyviscous says:

    simplicity of words making it close to heart

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