9 comments on “Birdsong

  1. JazzBumpa says:

    More than 50 years ago, when we were teenagers, one of my friends made this up, and somehow I still remember it.

    Now this may sound absurd,
    But the sound of my favorite bird
    Never has been heard

    It’s the song of the dead robin
    After it’s ceased it’s sobbin’
    And his heart’s no longer throbbin’

    My esthete can stand this diet
    Of beauty that’s gone riot
    ‘Cause the damned thing’s finally quiet!


  2. The “one hand clapping” reference reminds me of the novel by that title! so this becomes an interesting layered haiku for me!

  3. WabiSabi says:

    I pray that no hand ever silences the wee wren!

  4. Nice take on birdsong, but I hope that birds keep on singing their song unless hand clapping. 🙂

  5. 4joy says:

    echoes of a koan….made for deep meditation….lovely

  6. This left me thinking a lot. But I prefer to let the wee wren sing.

  7. Peripatetic Eric says:

    One hand clapping, the song and everything is gone.

  8. Look for A Lovely Thing says:

    Made me smile. I am just learning about the one hand clapping…

  9. annieelf2012 says:

    Imagine, wee wren , the sound of one hand clapping but be sure to continue a sweet chirp as you listen.

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