15 comments on “Pheasant

  1. yepiratehere says:

    A moment caught….nice haiku

  2. JazzBumpa says:

    your piquant wit
    gruesome smile


  3. What a sad interpretation of Chiyo-Ni’s haiku, but it’s a beauty.

  4. kz says:

    oh god:( what a sad picture.. very well executed

  5. WabiSabi says:

    Precisely! This is so vivid, I can practically hear the shot!

  6. Is that the peasant butterfly? I’ve never heard of that species 😉

  7. jrbsays says:

    I can almost hear the Pheasant (or perhaps the farmer) saying pluck it.
    Thanks you for the fun!

  8. GJ says:

    Poignant. That last line really hurted. Very well scripted and speaks of reality.

  9. So vivid and well – crafted that I believed…

  10. Dana says:

    Well done. It seems kind of sad, but having grown up in a family of hunters, the gunshot sounds like food on the table to me… 🙂

  11. loved the contrast. the last line is surprising and changes the atmosphere. beautiful.

  12. So sad but still beautiful, but pheasant is tasty I’ve heard.

  13. Write Girl says:

    Sad yet strikingly beautiful haiku. Nicely written here.

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