26 comments on “Equinoctial

  1. JazzBumpa says:

    I’m hoping for a wet spring
    lake levels are low


  2. Green Speck says:

    It does have a charm of its own !!!

  3. kz says:

    mudluscious is an actual word? i didnt know ^^ a truly charming haiku

  4. always loved e e cummings….I am going to revisit ‘Springtime is your time is my time is our time,,…..’…

  5. Such divine vocabulary for your mudluscious haiku!

  6. Mud luscious is an excellent word!

  7. jrbsays says:

    Splashing 🙂

  8. bwahahahahaa aloha Mark. i thought mudluscious was a great word too. now that i see where it comes from it makes even more sense why i might like it.

    i enjoy making new words, particularly ones that are understood in meaning—or nearly so. this is however, how new words take hold, they get reused. so way cool on your reuse of mudluscious and in a great way that makes a lot of sense. cool.

    • Thank you, Rick, thanks a lot! Maybe “mudluscious” will one day find its way into general usage, if enough people start using it. Look what happened to “Google”—it’s now a legitimate verb for looking up information online! 🙂

  9. Karen says:

    Mudluscious, the perfect word for mud sqishing between the toes, while walking through puddles of springtime mud puddles..

  10. Marit says:

    I learn a lot here today… being Dutch make some words hard to understand, especially when words don’t excist. Ha – but I know the tricks: translate ‘mud’ and ‘luscious’ and yes, I got the deeper meaning. Reading the comments I understand how come that I couldn’t find it. Your haiku is especially intriguing today

  11. I would go for rain any day instead of snow!

  12. rain and mud… instead of snow…. hard choice

  13. Too much rain makes me use shorter words, but enjoyed those.

  14. artmusedog says:

    Scrumptious words in your haiku today ~ Enjoy ^_^

  15. WabiSabi says:

    Mudluscious! I loved it when I read e e cummings and I still love it when I read M M Redfearn.
    It reminds me of the delicious feel of walking through a (deepish) mud puddle and hearing that squishy sound when I lifted up my foot. Ah… to be ten again!

    Mother Spring

  16. gemma says:

    The other day I read:
    “No mud, no Lotus”

  17. rebecca says:

    please, bring them on!

  18. pritilisa says:

    you made mud become chocolate…yummy haiku♥

  19. Jen says:

    Sweet! A delicious dose of e.e. cummings! LOVE IT!

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