23 comments on “Forgotten

  1. Ese' s Voice says:

    Sometimes under the rugs can be found quite useful things, even if long forgotten 🙂

  2. Look for A Lovely Thing says:

    Where did they come from, these buttons? Needful things.

  3. and my renk response would be:

    loneliness with open fly
    he drinks remaining stale beer

    couldn’t help it.

  4. jazzbumpa says:

    barefoot walker
    stumbles on this lost treasure
    bruises instep


  5. Nice take on the haiku by Jane. Great imagery of joy.

  6. Steph says:

    Mysterious… I love it!

  7. Cathy Tenzo says:

    Yes, I think this really has the feel of the inspiration haiku, and many a house has this environmental issue!

  8. Maggie Grace says:

    I love how your mind went to this place from JR’s haiku. Wonderful! Lots of lost forgotten things in all kinds of nooks and crannies.

  9. flatfroghaiku says:

    I read this first before readingthe promt, the brown buttons somehow take on a different quality omce you know the original prompt was about a brook as well as something hidden. Nice one Mark.

  10. howanxious says:

    those forgotten buttons from that old coat which is now stowed at the back of the cupboard, button-less.

  11. Kalyan says:

    lovely words…nice lines!

  12. 4joy says:

    at least you have only buttons under the rug…..

  13. Amrit Sinha says:

    Where they discovered later?

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