12 comments on “Tribulation

  1. Brought a smile on my face, that will something … as I awake around that time … then the first thing I need is coffee … instant coffee.

  2. WabiSabi says:

    How nice to get a chuckle when the prompt is tribulation!

  3. Look for A Lovely Thing says:

    Lighthearted, humorous. Thank YOU.

  4. artmusedog says:

    Ha! Too funny ~ love the haiku ~ Happy Weekend to you ^_^

  5. jazzbumpa says:

    you always find a very different slant
    well done, amigo


  6. Cathy Tenzo says:

    Oh my, yes! I need my coffee!

  7. Maggie Grace says:

    This is what we call “A New World Problem”. Nice uplifting take on the prompt.

  8. Love this.. even worse — decaf dregs..

  9. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    Not being a coffee drinker, it’s hard for me to relate to this one, but I’m glad that it brings joy to others! 🙂

    Tribulation of an Old Woman

  10. Amrit Sinha says:

    Different than usual … loved it 🙂

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