10 comments on “Angels

  1. zennjennc says:

    beautifully written

  2. “shabby angels” is a dramatic, unexpected image that twists the meaning of the heart fire into unknown, maybe intimidating realms! So many interesting levels of meaning in this!

  3. I agree with Gemma here.. shabby angels with bent wings… what an imagery..

  4. 4joy says:

    very lovely and startling imagery..

  5. artmusedog says:

    well penned ~ brings much contemplation perhaps

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  6. WabiSabi says:

    This is intriguing! ‘three shabby angels’ suggests children to me especially since they have ‘bent wings’ Whatever it meant to you, I enjoyed it. (I have three angels with bent wings and lopsided halos)

  7. kz says:

    shabby angels is just so cute ^^ for me, they meant kids too

  8. jrbsays says:

    Once again you’ve conjured beauty…and from a few sticks and shabbiness too!
    Thank you 🙂

  9. becca givens says:

    The imagery provides a meaningful pondering. Very nice!

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