9 comments on “Drought

  1. Sad, really…I guess I’ll stop complaining about my April showers day after day.

  2. artmusedog says:

    Lovely haiku for violets ~ many levels of meaning ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  3. gillena says:

    nice response to the prompt, thanks for dropping in to read mine

    much love…

  4. Jen says:

    My heart aches for the people suffering through the droughts in the west…. 😦

  5. janicead says:

    It is a tough situation with the droughts in so many areas.

  6. Archana Kapoor says:

    it must be really tough!!!

  7. Nicely done . funny what we miss

  8. A tone of loss and poignance… 😦 nicely done…

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